Why you should stop selling Recruitment IMMEDIATELY


This might sound strange and perhaps even counterintuitive…

But if you want to increase your sales, command higher fees and grow your Recruitment or Search Business… You need to stop selling your “Recruitment/Search services” immediately…

You see, none of your potential clients wake up in the morning and think to themselves “I want to hire a Recruiter” what they actually want is the outcome of having one…

That’s all they want to buy, and that’s what you should be selling…

It’s the difference between selling a “gym membership” (which is just about as commoditised as recruitment is becoming) …

Or selling the outcome of a gym membership…

There’s only so much anyone would pay for a “gym membership” … And if every other gym is ONLY selling “gym memberships” and they all look the same, all have relatively similar equipment, are the same size and are roughly the same distance from my house or office, then the only thing I have to compare is the price…

But if one gym focuses more on the outcome of the membership….

Things like a longer life, a better body, being able to run around with your kids for more than five minutes without having to sit down, more energy, more confidence (which usually leads to more sex), the network of friends you could meet etc.…

These are the things people want, and these are the things people are willing to pay a premium for…

All of a sudden I’m not comparing gym memberships against gym memberships… I’m comparing gym memberships against all the outcomes of having one…

Think about it… What’s the maximum you’d be prepared to pay for just a gym membership?…

Depending on where you live, it’s probably going to be capped at between £40-£100 per month….

Now think about the maximum you’d be prepared to pay for a longer life?

If you’re like most people, the two would be vastly different…

And the same applies to your Recruitment or Search Business….

There’s only so much your prospects would be willing to pay for “just another Recruitment or Search Firm….”

But if you stop selling “recruitment” and start selling the outcome instead, you’d be able to charge the fees you actually want and win more business all at the same time…

And the outcome you provide for clients would vary depending on what level you recruit at and what sector you work in…

But think about things like how much extra revenue the business will make IF they get the right candidate,

How much money they could potentially lose if they get the wrong one…

How much time they’ll save…

How the career of the hiring manager will progress if he or she is responsible for getting the right person…

And what could happen to their career if they get the wrong person…

They’re just a few examples… But really the list is endless!

One of my clients helps find Compliance Officers… In an industry where getting the wrong candidate could lead to a multimillion-pound/dollar fine… OR prison sentence…

His prospects might not want to pay a premium for a “recruiter”, but anyone in their right mind would pay a premium if meant avoiding a hefty fine or a prison sentence…

Stop selling recruitment and start selling the outcome…

… While you’re here…

I’ve created a brand new Facebook group exclusively for Recruitment and Search Firm Owners who want to scale their business from 6 to 7 or 8 figures in the NEW economy without having to cold call and without relying on hiring consultants (who will probably end up letting you down)…

Click this link to confirm your email address and join the Facebook group

It’s free to join, all you have to do is click the link below, log into Facebook and click “join group”.

Click this link to confirm your email address and join the Facebook group

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be releasing free exclusive training and content to all members all designed to help you win more clients, increase your business revenue and grow your Recruitment or Search Business. To join click below –

Click this link to confirm your email address and join the Facebook group

Speak to you soon,

Until then…

Take care, take action and be relentless….

Terry Edwards AKA the Renegade Recruiter

