Is Cold Calling A Necessary Evil?


Someone in my ‘Renegade Recruiters Unite’ Facebook group commented this the other day…

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He’s not the only person to share this view…

In fact, a few years ago I would have probably said something very similar…

But here’s the truth, Cold calling is only necessary IF you don’t have enough warm inbound leads coming into your business on a daily basis…

I’m not against the use of the phone as a method for reaching potential clients…

I actually endorse it…

It’s something I get my clients to do daily… But they won’t be calling cold prospects; they’ll be calling people who know who they are, have a need for their services and who trust them to deliver on their promises….

This is very different from cold calling a complete stranger and interrupting their day on the off chance they might be looking for a Recruitment/Search Firm…

If Cold calling is getting you the results you want, and you enjoy doing it, don’t let me stop you… But if you’d rather use the phone to follow up on inbound inquires who know who you are, have a need for your services and are ready to buy then let’s talk.

Start by clicking this link

Click on the link below, book a call with me or one of my team and I’ll show you how my clients cut out cold calling and get their clients to come to them instead.

Book a call here

Terry Edwards AKA the Renegade Recruiter
